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Edibles, Shrooms and Hallucinogen Products > MDMA .5 gram 5-x 100mg capsules
MDMA .5 gram 5-x 100mg capsules

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Price: $40.00
Availability: in stock

MDMA .5 gram total each Capsule 100 mg with 5 caps per package

Raw MDMA - each cap is perfect for a Micro-dose 100 mg package total .5 a gram

Raw MDMA can enhance an individual’s emotional and spiritual journey, promoting inner peace and deepening bonds with oneself and the world.

At its core, the journey of soul enrichment is deeply personal and unique to each individual. It often revolves around personal growth, introspection, and an openness to experiencing the deeper facets of oneself and the universe we inhabit.

Raw MDMA is the one I prefer for positive sexual energy within.

MDMA is not for everyone but if this drug is something to try for micro-dosing.

Start with one capsule 100 mg and go slow if you decide to add another cap.

See the information below from our partner.

MDMA, or Molly, acts in similar ways to MDA in the brain, although it is thought that structural changes in the brain after the drug wears off might not be quite as dramatic.

MDMA is considered more of a psychedelic than a stimulant, but it generally falls into both categories. It is associated with more of a “Loving” high that doesn’t last quite as long as MDA.

MDMA produces an array of physical, emotional, cognitive, visual, and even transpersonal effects.

Physical Effects

  • Stimulation
  • Physical euphoria
  • Tactile enhancement
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increase bodily temperature
  • Muscle contractions
  • Increased sweating
  • Dry mouth
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Nystagmus (involuntary, rapid eye movement, causing vibrating vision)
  • Nausea during the come up phase of the experience
  • Appetite suppression
  • Excessive yawning
  • Pupil dilation
  • Temporary erectile dysfunction
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding, known as “gurning”)

Emotional Effects

MDMA can increase feelings of:

  • Euphoria
  • Empathy
  • Trust
  • Intimacy
  • Affection
  • Friendliness
  • Self-compassion
  • Benevolence toward others
  • Connection
  • Emotional warmth
  • Sociability
  • Relaxation

The drug can also decrease feelings of:

  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Negative mood

Cognitive Effects

  • Amnesia (especially in higher doses)
  • Disinhibition
  • Increased music appreciation
  • Increased sense of humour
  • Wakefulness
  • Confusion (typically when taking higher doses)

Typical Timeline

The MDMA experience lasts 5-8 hours, although there may be some after effects such as fatigue. Here are the different stages of the MDA experience, and how long they last.

  • Onset: 30-45 minutes
  • Effects: 3-6 hours
  • After Effects: 4-48 hours

Best Practices

    • Keep your body temp down and your water and electrolyte intake up.

    • Know your substance, your mind and your body.

    • Don’t take too much, MDMA can be toxic at very high doses. It’s always best to start with a lower dosage.
    • Reduce or avoid mixing stimulants, other drugs and alcohol with MDA/MDMA.

    • Antioxidants are essential in protection from neurotoxicity caused by oxidative stress.

    • Magnesium is essential for your brain to naturally protect itself from Glutamate induced damage.

    • Avoid taking MDMA or MDA often, it can deplete your Serotonin levels in the brain, ideally wait 5 weeks or longer in between sessions.

Therapeutic Applications

Due to its strong empathogenic effects, MDMA can be useful as a tool in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Patients with PTSD often have underlying trauma(s) that can be incredibly difficult to confront. These patients may have triggers that can cause memories of the trauma to resurface, leading to states of extreme distress.

For this reason, patients may avoid situations that may trigger their traumatic memories, which can end up impairing their ability to function and engage in normal activities. Traumatic memories can also manifest in the form of nightmares.

MDMA can help people with PTSD and treatment-resistant PTSD (where no other treatments have proved effective), as the drug can reduce anxiety and lower people’s defenses. The drug also allows patients to examine their traumatic memories with reduced fear, as well as speak openly about them and feel increased empathy toward themselves.

Finally, MDMA also heightens levels of oxytocin (the “love hormone”), with many believing it to be responsible for the prosocial and emotional bonding effects of the drug. This can help a patient trust a psychotherapist and be open to discussing their trauma with him or her.